Commercial & corporate structuring specialists for owner-managed small businesses
New Media Law LLP (NML) is a boutique commercial law firm providing specialist English-law legal services for companies and entrepreneurs in the tech and digital media sectors, and other businesses underpinned by the creation, development and exploitation of intellectual property rights in all creative industries sectors.
NML’s lawyers are deeply experienced in their respective fields and pride themselves on providing a uniquely personal service. Each of them will engage with you to deliver legal services, tailored for your needs and requirements from the outset and at reasonable cost. They are familiar with the challenges faced by early stage growth, owner-managed businesses so can be flexible to meet their specific needs.
What NML can do for you
Are you looking to properly structure your company’s shareholdings, regularise its constitution and establish founding shareholders’ protections? are you raising third party investment funding?
- NML will advise you as founders/shareholders of your company how best to take on board investment funding whether at ‘friends & family’, seed or subsequent series stages in the company’s growth – and on protecting your position as founder shareholders and provide you with a template ‘investor-ready’ Founders Shareholders Agreement (as applicable post friends & family but pre-funding) with aligned Articles of Association
- NML will represent your company’s best interests when entering into any new investment agreement and/or share purchase agreement (ISPA)
- NML will provide you with template executive director-level employee or freelancer services agreement(s) to give you a head start in any discussions for these you may be having;
- NML will ensure your business can demonstrate clean ‘chain of title’ as these apply to all IPR’s in your digital and software assets
- Provide you with any constitutional steps your company may be required to carry out, resolutions, minutes and similar and advise you in respect of your Board set-up
You have customers and prospects in your pipeline; you want to onboard them successfully, ensure your company presents to them in a professionally sophisticated manner and minimizes any friction in reaching any negotiated outcomes:
- Depending on your service delivery model, NML can deliver you a template SaaS, PaaS or similar form of customer-facing services agreement (and Data Protection Addendum if necessary) to give you the ability to sign-up new business as painlessly as possible;
- Provide you with template on-website Terms and Privacy Policy
- Advise you in respect of any necessary compliance with Data Protection legislation and the UK GDPR;
- Provide you with a template software development agreement enabling you to confidently procure such services from any third party developers on terms suitably protective of your best commercial interests.
AND | throughout, work alongside as ‘consigliere’ (as your business affairs director), ensuring you achieve your desired outcomes when deploying other professionals and achieve ROI
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